September 07, 2024
CSS layoutCSS Layout
When designing a webpage, arranging elements in an organized and visually appealing way is crucial. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) provides various tools to help you control the layout of elements on a page. Below are some essential concepts to understand:
The Display Property
The display property in CSS is fundamental for controlling how an element behaves visually on a page. It determines how an element is laid out, whether it's block-level, inline, or not visible at all. Here are some common values for the display property:
- block: The element takes up the entire width of its container, starting on a new line.
- inline: The element takes up only as much width as its content and does not start on a new line.
- inline-block: Similar to inline, but allows for width and height to be set.
- none: The element is not rendered and takes up no space on the page.
This property is a key tool when creating layouts, as it helps you define the structure and visibility of elements on the page.
Common Display Property Values
1. Block
- Elements with display: block take up the full width available and start on a new line.
- Examples: <div>, <h1>, <p>
<h1>Sulok Digital</h1>
<p>Are you a passionate and aspiring developer looking to kickstart your career in web development?</p>
<p>Our internship program offers you a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the dynamic world of technology.</p>
<div>Whether you're interested in Frontend, Backend, or Full-Stack development, we have the perfect internship for you.</div>
Great for structuring content like sections, paragraphs, or headings.
2. Inline
- Elements with display: inline only take up as much width as necessary and do not start on a new line.
- Examples: <span>, <a>
span {
color: blue;
a {
text-decoration: underline;
<span>Sulok Digital</span>
<a href="">Contact us</a>
Useful for styling text or inline elements like links. However, you cannot set width, height, or use the transform property on inline elements.
3. Inline-Block
- Elements with display: inline-block behave like inline elements (sit next to each other) but can have width, height, padding, and margins applied.
input {
width: 600px;
button {
width: 200px;
<input type="text">
Perfect for creating buttons or form elements that need to line up side by side while maintaining custom dimensions.
4. None
- Elements with display: none are not rendered and take up no space on the page.
p {
display: none;
<h2>Welcome to To for Zero</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
Useful for hiding elements that are not needed or are being dynamically controlled.
Flexbox is a modern layout tool designed for creating flexible and responsive layouts. It’s perfect for aligning and distributing items within a container, regardless of their size.
Flex Container:
To use Flexbox, set display: flex on a parent element (the container).
.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between; /* Distribute items evenly /
Flex Items:
The child elements inside the flex container. You can control their alignment, order, and size.
.item {
flex: 1; / Each item takes up equal space */
<div class="container">
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
Usage: Flexbox is great for building navigation bars, aligning buttons, or creating layouts with evenly spaced items.
CSS Grid
CSS Grid is another powerful tool, giving you precise control over your layout with rows and columns. It’s ideal for designing complex layouts such as photo galleries, dashboards, and forms.
Grid Container:
Define a grid layout by setting display: grid on the parent container.
.container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); /* 3 equal-width columns /
Grid Items:
The child elements inside the grid container. You can control their placement and size within the grid.
.item {
grid-column: span 2; / Item takes up two columns */
<div class="container">
<div class="item"></div>
Usage: Use Grid for layouts where precise control is needed, such as in photo galleries or complex web pages with rows and columns.
These CSS layout techniques Flexbox, Grid, and the display property allow you to create structured, flexible, and responsive web designs that work across various devices and screen sizes.