September 30, 2024

Data Types in JavaScript

What’s a Data Type, Anyway?

  • Imagine you’re at a grocery store, and you have a basket full of items—apples, milk, cereal, and a mystery item labelled “undefined.” Just like those groceries, the values you work with in JavaScript come in different types. Knowing what type of data you’re dealing with helps you choose the right tools (methods, operators, etc.) to use on it. 

  • In JavaScript, data types can be divided into two main categories: Primitive and Non-Primitive (also known as reference types). Let's dive into each one, and don’t worry, we’ll sprinkle in some humor to keep things light!

Primitive Data Types: The Simple Stuff

  • Primitive data types are the basic building blocks in JavaScript. They are simple, immutable, and stored directly in the memory. Think of them as the "fast food" of data types—quick, easy, and straightforward.

1. String

  • What it is: A string is like a chain of characters. If you can write it in quotation marks, it's a string. Single quotes, double quotes, or even backticks (`) all work.


let greeting = "Hello, World!";
let question = 'What is JavaScript?';
let fancyString = `I have ${2 + 2} apples.`;

  • Fun Fact: Strings are the divas of data types. They love to be surrounded by quotes and get really fussy if they’re not.

2. Number

  • What it is: Numbers are, well, numbers. Whether you’re counting your bank balance or calculating the speed of light, JavaScript uses the `Number` type for everything numeric—integers, floats, and even special values like `NaN` (Not-a-Number) and `Infinity`.


	let age = 25;
	let pi = 3.14159;
	let negative = -42;


  • Quirk Alert: JavaScript only has one type for numbers, so `1`, `1.0`, and `1e0` are all treated the same. Also, dividing by zero won’t break the universe—it just gives you `Infinity` (take that, physics!).

3. Boolean

  • What it is: Booleans are like the light switches of data types. They can only be `true` or `false`—on or off, yes or no, cat person or dog person.



let isJavaScriptFun = true;
let isHomeworkDone = false;

  • In Real Life: Booleans are handy when you need to make decisions. "Should I stay up late learning JavaScript? True!" (But your future self might disagree.)

4. Undefined

  • What it is: `undefined` is like the empty shelf in your grocery basket. It’s what a variable gets when you declare it but don’t give it a value. Think of it as JavaScript’s way of saying, "I’m still waiting for you to decide what this is."




let mysteryItem;
console.log(mysteryItem); // Output: undefined

  • Why It’s There: It’s a placeholder, a friendly nudge from JavaScript reminding you to give that variable a value. Don’t leave it hanging!

5. Null

  • What it is: `null` is like a reserved parking spot that’s empty. It’s a deliberate absence of value. If `undefined` is the variable waiting for a value, `null` is the variable you’ve purposely set to nothing.


let carInGarage = null; // No car in the garage


  • Quick Note: While `null` might seem like the emo cousin of `undefined`, the two aren’t the same. `null` is intentional; `undefined` is, well, undefined.

6. Symbol (ES6+)

  • What it is: Symbols are the mysterious new kids on the block (introduced in ES6). They’re unique, immutable identifiers. Each symbol is different, even if they look the same.



let sym1 = Symbol("unique");
let sym2 = Symbol("unique");
console.log(sym1 === sym2); // Output: false

  • Use Case: Symbols are great for creating unique keys in objects, but unless you’re getting into advanced JavaScript, you might not see them often.

7. BigInt (ES11)

  • What it is: `BigInt` is like the heavyweight champion of numbers. When regular numbers just aren’t big enough, `BigInt` steps in to handle those massive calculations.



let bigNumber = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890n;
console.log(bigNumber + 2n); // Output: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567892n

  • Why You’d Use It: Ever need to count the number of stars in the galaxy? `BigInt` has your back. Just don’t mix it with regular numbers; they’re not compatible.

Non-Primitive Data Types: The Complex Ones

  • Non-primitive types are like the gourmet meals of data types. They’re more complex, often involve multiple ingredients, and are stored by reference. These types include Objects and Arrays.

1. Object

  • What it is: An object is a collection of properties, where each property has a name (or key) and a value. It’s like a JavaScript Swiss Army knife, capable of holding all sorts of data.



let person = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 30,
    job: "Developer"
console.log(; // Output: Alice

  • Why Objects Rock: Objects are super flexible. You can store strings, numbers, functions, even other objects! Perfect for modelling real-world entities.

2. Array

  • What it is: Arrays are like shopping lists. They’re ordered collections of items (which can be any data type). Arrays are great for storing sequences of data.



let fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"];
console.log(fruits[1]); // Output: Banana


  • In Real Life: Arrays let you group related data together. Need to keep track of all your high scores? Array. Want to list all the programming languages you’ve learned? Array.

Checking Data Types: The `typeof` Operator

  • If you’re ever unsure about what type of data you’re working with, JavaScript gives you the `typeof` operator. It’s like asking JavaScript, "Hey, what are you?" and getting a quick, reliable answer.

console.log(typeof "Hello"); // Output: string
console.log(typeof 42);      // Output: number
console.log(typeof true);    // Output: boolean
console.log(typeof {});      // Output: object
console.log(typeof []);      // Output: object (arrays are technically objects)
console.log(typeof undefined); // Output: undefined
console.log(typeof null);    // Output: object (a quirk in JavaScript)


  • Understanding data types in JavaScript is like knowing your way around a grocery store. You need to know what you’re putting in your basket (variables) to ensure you’re using the right tools (methods, operators) to get the job done. Whether you're dealing with strings, numbers, or complex objects, knowing the type helps you avoid unexpected bugs and makes your code more predictable. And remember, JavaScript is quirky, but that’s part of its charm. Happy coding!