TFZ AI will help you to choose your IT Career

Just Answer the question and magic will happen

Why did you choose IT?
What inspired your interest in the field of IT?
Have you had any previous experience or education related to IT ?
Which IT language is your favorite in your study?
What IT languages do you know or know the names of?
How interested are you in website design or are you interested in making the design of the website look even better ?
Would you like to design a website with coding or without using code?
In which areas of IT are you interested in further learning?(e.g., Software Development, Testing(Q.A), network administration, data science, etc. )
Have you decided on any techniques or programming languages you're interested in learning or already have experience with?
Have you participated in any IT - related training or projects or activities before ?
Do you prefer front - end, back - end, or full - stack development, and why ?
Have you explored any particular areas within web development, such as UI / UX design, database management, or server - side scripting ?
Do you want to make your career in IT ? Or do you intrust it ? or later have a hobby ?
Are there any web applications or websites that you admire or find inspiring ?
Do you have any specific goals and aspirations in the IT field that you’d like to achieve ?